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Web3 101: What is the Blockchain?

Nick Suivski

Confused by the blockchain? Never heard of cryptocurrency? You’re in the right place. The blockchain is an innovative technology that is disrupting many industries. This post explores the blockchain, how it works, and its uses in different industries.

What Is The Blockchain?

A blockchain is a public ledger that stores transactions in a series of blocks or transaction codes. Before we explore what the blockchain is, it is important to understand what a public ledger is. A public ledger is a record of transactions. Think of it like a spreadsheet. When you add a transaction to a spreadsheet, you create a new row. This way, you can keep a track of your transactions. The blockchain is a public ledger that records all the transactions in a decentralized or distributed manner. This means that there is no single centralized intermediary that influences the transactions. It’s different from a traditional database as it only contains information about the transaction itself. This allows for the creation of a completely anonymous decentralized system with no single point of failure or single point of entry.

All transactions can be executed, tracked, and searched for anonymously. The anonymity of the blockchain is one of the most attractive aspects, as there is no need to provide personal information when making or completing a transaction.

So, How Does It Work?

So, you know what the blockchain is, but how does it work exactly? Let's break this down.

A blockchain is a decentralized digital record-keeping system that maintains a continuously growing list of records called blocks. Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and the transactions' data. This works through peer-to-peer networking, cryptography, and digital signatures. Every transaction must have a unique identifier to avoid duplicate or fraudulent transactions. Again, think of this as a spreadsheet.

The blockchain enables you to create a record of transactions that cannot be changed later and allows a person to verify the authenticity of the transactions.

The blockchain is built upon three main principles:

  • Immutability

  • Transparency

  • Consensus


The immutability of the blockchain means that it cannot be changed once it has been created. Because there is no central authority that can change anything, the system is secure and reliable.


The transparency of the blockchain makes it possible for everyone to verify the information stored in the blockchain. This allows people to ensure that the information on the blockchain is correct.


For a transaction to be valid, it needs to have a consensus verification mechanism governed by the individual transaction blocks made within the blockchain.

How Can The Blockchain Be Used?

You might think that the blockchain is only used for cryptocurrency and that you don't need to know anything about it. This is a common misconception. The blockchain has applications beyond just cryptocurrency. It is used in many aspects of different industries, including supply chain management, finance, and security.

Let's look at how the blockchain influences supply chain management. Currently, a company purchases goods and supplies for its products through contractual agreements with its suppliers. This works but lacks the details of where the supplies are sourced, who had original ownership, and how many of the supplies are available. For example, the blockchain could help a jewelry company track the supply chain of its diamonds. They could track the authenticity of the diamond, who owns it, and which mine it originally came from. Why is this important? Transparency, data analytics, and efficiency. Companies will be able to track the who, what, when, where, and how of the supplies and products they purchase. Companies will be able to improve their ability to buy products and supplies directly from their suppliers.

This is called peer-to-peer supply chain management. No more will a jewelry company unknowingly purchase blood diamonds from an unethical mine that exploits its workers.

The blockchain is also changing digital finance and security. Most people have a credit card and a debit card. These cards can be used to purchase goods and services online. The problem is that they can be stolen and fraudulently used. They can also be hacked, and people can use them without the owners' consent. This is because they aren't completely secure. The blockchain is being developed to address these issues. It is helping companies to be more secure by eliminating fraud from their systems through the use of the blockchain’s robust verification and data transparency systems. It is also being used to help companies to increase their efficiency. Individual transactions can be searched for and found within moments through the blockchain transaction ledger.

Final Thoughts

The blockchain and blockchain technology is still developing, and there are still many questions about how they will affect our future. With the correct execution and large-scale societal adoption, the blockchain could revolutionize how we live, run businesses, use money, and explore the world!

Here at, we can't wait to see the impact blockchain technology makes on education.

Stay tuned to see how continues to stay on top of these trends as the future of eLearning evolves.


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